We have two new programs that will simplify your business and increase your bottom line. We successfully tested these programs over the past few months with our largest customers and we can now make them available to you.
Private Warehouse Service
- Would you like to inventory more of our best selling items?
- Is warehouse space and man power holding you back?
- Would you like to reduce your shipping, packaging and labor costs?
As a valued partner of Essential Pet Products we would like to offer you the ability to purchase products and warehouse them in our facilities. These products will be segregated from all other inventory and will be reserved exclusively for you.
When you have a sale, you simply e-mail us a PDF of your packing slip along with a pre-paid shipping label and we will immediately ship the products out to your customer.
This program will save you money on shipping, packaging and labor costs and free up storage space at your location. There is no charge for this service, however we can only warehouse items you purchase from us.
Product Bundling Service
Would you like to:
- Increase your sales
- Stand out from your competition
- Offer your customers products that are unique to you
If so, you need to start offering Product Bundles to your customers. By now you have seen our articles about the value of bundling. Our retail partners who are bundling products have seen substantial sales gains. However, bundling can be time consuming and challenging.
If you have give away items that you bundle with our products, all you need to do is send those items to us. We will bundle and ship them to your customers individually or in bulk to FBA. This will save you time, and more importantly, money.
If you would like to take advantage of these new services, please call me at 1-800-941-4200 so I can fill you in on all of the details. We appreciate you business and we will work hard every day to continue to earn it!
Best regards,
Jason Dooley
[email protected]